Understanding Enums in TypeScript

Photo by Arnold Francisca on Unsplash

Enums, short for enumerations, are a feature in TypeScript that allows us to define a set of named constants. Using enums can make it easier to handle a group of related values more efficiently and with less risk of error. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of enums in TypeScript and understand how and when to use them.

What are Enums?

Enums follow near-identical syntax rules as normal objects in TypeScript. They are a way to group related values and give them an understandable name. For example, you might use an enum to represent the days of the week, the directions of a compass, or specific status codes for an application.

Here’s a simple example of an enum that represents the days of the week:

enum Day {

When the above TypeScript enum is converted to JavaScript, it results in an object with the same keys and values:

var Day;

(function (Day) {
Day[Day["Monday"] = 0] = "Monday";
Day[Day["Tuesday"] = 1] = "Tuesday";
// ... and so on for the other days
})(Day || (Day = {}));

The Primary Goal of Enums

The primary goal of enums is to signal to other engineers that these values are all closely related and should not be confused with other constants or variables within the codebase. It’s a form of self-documenting code and adds to the readability and maintainability of the code.

When to Use Enums

Enums are best used whenever we have a small fixed set of values that are all closely related and known at compile time. This could be anything from user roles in an application, such as Admin or User, to configuration modes, such as Development, Testing, or Production.

Code Example

Let’s look at an example where enums can be particularly useful. Suppose we’re building an application with a set of predefined user roles:

enum UserRole {

// Usage
function createUserRole(role: UserRole) {
// ...


In this example, the UserRole enum provides a clear, predefined set of roles that our application can refer to. This is much safer than using strings or numbers since it prevents typos and provides better tooling support, such as auto-completion and compile-time checking.


Enums in TypeScript are a powerful feature for grouping related constants and ensuring your code is easy to read and maintain. They help signal relationships between constants and provide a safer alternative to strings or numbers when working with a fixed set of values.
